Become a Member

The EALRC welcomes membership enquiries. If you wish to become a member, please print and complete the below membership form*. For any queries, or if you need further assistance, please contact our Membership Secretary.


EALRC Membership Secretary

Mrs. J Reed | 07837 950 304 |


Members of the EALRC must comply with the Club Rules. *Membership applications will not be processed if the form has not been signed by a Proposer and a Seconder. Email applications are not accepted.

EALRC Membership Form 2024 Docx

Benefits for Members


Reduced entry fee to enter our shows.

Field Trial

Reduced entry fee to enter our Field Trials.

Preference in the draw for our Field Trials.

Puppy Register

No fee to register litters on our puppy register.


Membership fees are due on the 1st of October each year. Please check that your standing order is still current and correct, or that your payment has been sent if you pay by cheque. Cheques must be made payable to: East Anglian Labrador Retriever Club.

Single Membership


Joint Membership
